Corporate and Legal

Corporate and Legal

Strategy/Strategic advice

In a rapidly evolving business environment, change is inevitable and constant. For nearly eight and a half years, Stone Falcon has been helping organisations to align or realign their strategies and competitive focus towards the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage. We understand strategy and the sometimes seemingly insurmountable challenges that it presents. We think differently. We believe in innovation and creativity. We believe that strategic process should be fluid – able to evolve and keep pace with the evolving and changing environment that the organisation operates and competes within. Stone Falcon recognises that strategy is at the core of the business – it is therefore highly confidential and sensitive in nature. Take a look at our website – you will find no names of any organisations that we have worked with. Our word is our bond – we tell no tales – we do not use client’s names to help market ourselves. Simply – because we don’t need to.

Post M&A integration

M&A activity forms a very large part of international business. But it is a well-known fact that the majority of these initiatives fail. Often, this has little to do with the synergy created by such activity – or the business compatibility that is resultant. The most common reason for failure is cultural misalignment between the organisations during the integration stage post M&A. Stone Falcon runs a service that specifically addresses these issues and helps smooth the transition – allowing the intention of the M&A to be profitably realised.

Organisational Resilience

The business environment grows ever more complex for the modern organisation. The rate of change and competition continues to expand and increase as technological acceleration drives new opportunities, markets; products and services. This is not without risk – the ability to adapt and adjust to change (both gradual and sudden) of the organisation is not guaranteed. The organisation must be robust and able to absorb and deal with negative consequences, moving past them, whilst simultaneously being structured thus to grasp emergent opportunities and maximise the potential benefits unto itself.

Stone Falcon can help within this field. We have a proprietary process and model for implementing the right sort of structural changes internally to prepare the organisation for external challenges and opportunities. We also offer training to clients so that they may modify; create and build their own organisations into ‘future-proof’ entities, equipped to evolve and flourish– not fall by the wayside and perish.